Anyone interested in leadership or growing a team or business.
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This is a well-written book from a passionate and experienced entrepreneur/writer/speaker/trainer.
Best Quote
Zig Ziglar says, “People say motivation doesn’t last, well neither does bathing, that is why we recommend both daily.”
I didn’t want to like this book. Dave Ramsey seems like a great guy, but for some reason, I want to find something to disagree with him about. Unfortunately, he has written a book that demonstrates passion, focus, dedication, and his own his ethics, and I find that difficult to question.
In EntreLeadership, Dave Ramsey talks through his trials and tribulations as a real estate agent and leadership and management trainer and speaker over 20 years in business. Whether you agree with his conservative, Christian values or not, they shine through bright and clear and help you to see that Dave Ramsey advocates that leaders build employees that are not clock punchers or seat fillers, but rather entrepreneurs and leaders in their own right. He conveys this through discussing management techniques that he has developed and problems that he has handled in the past.
Last Word
I was impressed by EntreLeadership mostly Dave Ramsey seems to have put so much of himself into it that you come away feeling like he’s been right there guiding you the whole time. Reading EntreLeadership is like having Dave Ramsey there giving a private training, so while I wouldn’t say that you should run out right now to get this book, I do recommend that you put EntreLeadership on your reading list and get to it soon.
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